Meet the Team
'There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord'. 1 Corinthians 12.
Rev Daniel Thompson, Rector.
Originally from Salisbury, but Baptised in Swindon, and having trained at Cuddesdon I'm slowly making my way back to my roots having lived in London, Brighton, Rye and Suffolk. I have a love for Jesus and the Bible matched almost by my love of music and football. I believe deeply in the importance of the local Parish Priest living, sharing and praying in a community which I love and share with my family.
Rev Angie Paterson, Honorary Associate Priest
Angie moved to Watlington with her husband, a toddler and new born in the 1990’s. With a background in business she felt called to train as a priest not long after moving here. She trained with the Oxford Diocese whilst remaining in secular work, which she continues to do as a key part of her ministry. Angie says that marrying both of her daughters and baptising her grandchildren have been special privileges. When relaxing she enjoys sharing good food and wine with family and friends, music and singing and is discovering the joys of gardening.
Rev Val Kearney, Curate.
I moved to Watlington with my husband Des, 15 years ago and we immediately joined St,Leonard’s Church. After a year I was asked to stand as Church warden, a role I enjoyed for 7 years, before acknowledging a deeper call to ministry. After a period, of discernment I was accepted for training and was ordained as Deacon in July 2022. I have always felt God call to local ordained ministry within this Benefice and I serve as a non stipendiary minister.
Over the years I have been a part of the children’s ministry team, being one of the founders of our weekly Mustard Seeds toddlers group. I have also been a part of the team who regularly visits the local care home with a monthly service of songs and praise and I feel very drawn to the call of worship through pastoral care within our congregation and local communities.
​Pauline Verbe is the Musical Events’ Organiser for St. Leonard’s Church and provides administrative support across the Benefice. She can be contacted on
Fiona Butler is our Benefice Administrator. She deals with all the things that are too important to be left to the clergy. She can be contacted on